Procedure Guidelines

Annual Reports

Experience gained from the implementation of AFRA activities assisted AFRA countries to design and agree on a number of formats for reporting on the outcome of AFRA in each country and in each project. The agreed formats emphasize the importance of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) followed by a concrete Action Plan to address the major issues while limiting other data to the essentials. The formats being used by National Coordinators (NCs), Project Coordinators (PCs) and Project Scientific Consultants (PSCs) to report on their activities and achievements are shown in the following four examples below.

  1. Basic data
    • Name of the country;
    • Name of the AFRA National Coordinator;
    • Period covered.
  2. Coordination Summary
    • Meetings and training events organized at national level under AFRA;
    • AFRA Meetings and training events hosted by the country;
    • National inputs (analysis), technical expertise, contributions in-kind, cash contributions, etc.;
    • National/regional outcome (with particular emphasis on TCDC activities);
    • Impact on end-user needs;
    • Summary of main data (see Table 1).
  3. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  4. Action Plan to address SWOT analysis
  5. Recommendations
  6. Conclusions

The Annual Report of the year (N) should be received by the IAEA in Vienna latest 31 January of the year (N+1).

Activity Assistance received from AFRA In-kind/Cash contributions (US$) Observations
Project Expert Services m/m



Number of Trainees In-kind Cash