  • The administrative arrangements for enabling and operating Regional Designated Centres (RDCs) at both national and regional levels are the sole responsibility of the Centres’ management. The administrative functioning of RDCs is in accordance with their internal procedures and organization is the responsibility of the host country;
  • The AFRA RDC shall appoint an official as the Focal Point who will liaise between the Centre, AFRA Member States and the IAEA and to whom requests for assistance and/or services will be submitted directly or through AFRA-Programme Management Committee (AFRA-PMC) and/or the IAEA. The Focal Point shall coordinate the Centre’s interactions with AFRA Member States and the IAEA, facilitate communications and ensure that the Centre’s outputs and services are timely provided and in the most cost-effective manner. He/she should be a qualified manager with good knowledge of nuclear applications and preferably acquainted with AFRA and the IAEA programmes and procedures;
  • For activities funded directly by AFRA Member States or through the IAEA, Member States may, through the AFRA and/or the IAEA or directly, request information and/or clarification in connection with the relevant administrative arrangements and procedures used for performing the task;
  • Requests for assistance from RDCs should be addressed; either directly to the designated Focal Point in the Centre or through the IAEA, in case funding is sought from the IAEA. Where IAEA assistance is sought under an operational AFRA project, the request should be submitted to the IAEA in Vienna at least three months in advance to enable both the IAEA and the AFRA-PMC to review the request and to take the necessary decision.